Hell, I don't know where to start... I have all this mixture of feelings inside of me and I really can't tell what is important and what is not.
To start, the band. We are taking a break now. Last gig of the tour tomorrow, in Glasgow. We have dropped a place in the ranks. We are #4 now, which is surprising after all because our shows have been all messy lately.
I started my teaching experience with Keimo and it was fun, I liked to teach him the basics of woodwind instruments. It's always fun to be with him, even when he is the serious and well-organized Professional Lemon. I guess that if it wasn't like that I would have grown bored of being in the same band as him... So, no mystery after all.
Then again, I am gathering my students and I really don't know will it be the same fun. I hope they listen to me and they are eager to learn new stuff. And I also hope they agree to learn in my apartment:
Besides that, I have been feeling weird lately. It is basically explained in a cryptic way in last blog entry, and it kind of goes on. I am feeling a bit lonely despite being surrounded by my beloved kids and friends. Like if there was something missing and I can't really tell what, or I can't tell who, because it is probably someone properly beside me the thing that I am missing.
Anyway, I can't complain about the friends around me! We have been spending some really great time together (you all know who you are). And besides that "almost dead" incident in Brussels it has been funny all along the way. Sometimes I sound like I am saying goodbye?
martes, mayo 13, 2008
jueves, mayo 01, 2008
What a whirlwind of thoughts and happenings lately. In the last couple of weeks, actually. First things don't work, then they work but they are ruined. Then you look for a way out and don't know if you find the right way then you are called to follow the familiar path then you find a golden path.
Then meanwhile I am threatened for one hour of "WTF is this" and I do not look forward to it but it seems that I can't avoid it because I accepted the commitment and I usually try to keep up with that kind of commitments. Later on kindly found out the key to understand the "ruined" part in the first paragraph, but still haven't found the reason for this "WTF is this" moment. Well, I'd have an answer to all this issue but I better not tell since I am a happy hippie woman and I don't badmouth people, even if I know they are not going to read it. And still it wouldn't be badmouthing but telling opinions and assuming thoughts given the case some things are done without a proper explanation.
I got a couple of confusing messages from a good friend, that kind of thing you never want to happen in a good friendship. Mostly because you know someone's going to be hurt...
I am also being auctioned in Buenos Aires for the sake of the city. Buenos Aires is one of my favourite cities ever, because of the city itself and because of the government. I couldn't trust any other politician more than I trust Eugenio. For those who wonder, the money's going to a fund to give away vaccines for free and to help newbies. The thread of the auction is this one: 434082.1. Go straight to the end and find the last updated list of bids. Iirc the bid needs to be 10% higher than the last one, so don't be greedy, for Kobe's sake!!
I think I am missing something...
Anyway, I'll post it later in case I forgot something important...........
viernes, abril 25, 2008
FF 38/35
1.- ¿Cuál es la enfermedad que más tiempo te ha durado?
El desamor. O algo así... algo que duele mucho en el corazón y en el alma.
2.- ¿Acudes al médico cuando estás enfermo o esperas que se pase? ¿Sueles acudir al mismo médico?
Jeje, haría una broma con eso pero no sería muy adecuado según como. Aunque sería una bromita solamente. Pero ya se sabe que dicen que no tengo sentido del humor. Suelo acudir a los doctores locales porque siempre estoy de gira. No tengo médico de cabecera.
3.- ¿Cuál es la última boda a la que acudiste?
La de Noémie y Alan. Preciosa :)
4.- ¿A qué boda te han invitado que no has podido ir y te hubiera gustado mucho ir?
No puedo ir a la mayoría de bodas porque me pillan siempre por el mundo, dando vueltas, sin tiempo para casi nada. No quisiera decir una sola porque en serio, son tantas las que me he perdido, que no sé cuál es la que más mal me supo no presenciar.
5.- ¿Qué boda te gustaría presenciar?
La mía :(
martes, abril 22, 2008
Arja's guide to...
After the massive use of Absynthe you are bound to feel like a huge piece of shit on the morning after. Or even on the week after...!
To reduce the pain of a life of hangover I have come up with some tips to cure a depression:
- Feed your pets. In addition you save yourself from the risk of getting bitten or eaten by a hungry pet... that wouldn't be good for your health, y'know.
- Read horoscopes and get those tall dark strangers to admire your stuff. Do what the horoscope asks you to... get this, go there... Hot dark strangers can make your day, I tell you.
- Go shopping. Spend your money at fancy shops. It could also be that while you are in the fitting room a song starts to play and you find a good dedication for a special person.
- Fly with jet planes. Groupies can enter at their own risk, and if they do, you'll have a very good time: good for the mood and the self esteem ;)
viernes, abril 18, 2008
Too many things for one blog!
And yet again, two very intense days behind with too many things to explain as to fit it in one blog entry. Important things to tell:
Party planning in Berlin: √
Party end: √
Hangoverous balance: √
Sad news about One Sick Puppy: √
But... as they say, every cloud has a silver lining. I got in touch with Leanne Brantley today. I had read a while ago that The 10 dB`s were splitting up. Very sad news indeed. It's hard to keep up with everything, so a good relationship among band members is abslutely mandatory. I guess Keimo and me have been playing with fire a lot in that matter recently.
Anyway, while I am still recovering myself from the Chevettes private party yesterday I got another wonderful tip for another wonderful night of party and being social. The 10 dB`s throw a farewell booze party in Brussels after their last show and it would be definitely wrong to no attend tu such an event.
It is a sad event because it's a great band quitting, but since there will be a lot more coming from the band memebers in the future, we have to cheer! And also drink for the good moments that are gone!
Coming schedule:
18/04/2008 12:00 Jam session
18/04/2008 18:00 Show (Izmir)
19/04/2008 08:00 Recording session
19/04/2008 12:00 Video shooting
19/04/2008 18:00 Flight to Brussels to paaaarty!!!!
20/04/2008 06:00 Video shooting
20/04/2008 12:00 Jam session
20/04/2008 18:00 Show (Ankara)
FF 31/25
1.- ¿Quiénes tienen llave de tu casa (más o menos, sin contar tu pareja e hijos)? ¿Por qué se la diste?
Buf.. ¡he perdido la cuenta! Muchos amigos tiene la llave de mi casa, no sólo mi familia. Reparto llaves como quien da los buenos días porque en mi casa nunca tengo nada de valor (nada material de valor, jejeje). Bueno, a desconocidos normalmente no, se entiende, pero muchos colegas de antaño es posible que aún tengan mis llaves y yo no suelo cambiar las cerraduras.
2.- ¿Quién es la última persona que ha estado en tu casa y no es de tu familia?
Ahora mismo en mi apartamento están Paloma Guijarro, John Ainsbury (con su baby) y Mikael Åkerskär. Y hace un rato estaba Ethel Butler & kids también. Vamos, que mi casa parecía una guardería mezclada con antro de rockeros. Después del concierto de Chevettes la cosa ya cambió, ya tomó forma de lo que era: una fiesta padre.
3.- ¿Cuántos departamentos tienes alquilados? ¿Dónde, porqué ahí?
Tengo tres. Uno en Barcelona que es una choza y creo que no tiene ni cerradura ni candado ni nada. Otro en Berlín, que es donde me encuentro, que es mi preferido porque tengo en él un cuadro pintado por Neil Malcolm que me gusta mucho. Fue cuando los dos pintamos juntos para conseguir fondos para Bucarest, aunque el cuadro que adquirí yo lo pintó él solo. Y el otro apartamento es temporal, siempre lo cancelo y pillo uno nuevo en otra ciudad cuando me hace falta.
4.- ¿Has celebrado fiestas en tu casa? ¿Qué celebrabas?
Mi fiesta de cumpleaños en LA, no estuvo mal. La verdad es que la combinación fue rara de cojones. Estaba Lerzan İpekçi, una de las amiguitas de Keimo, y también estaba Xavi... Y mientras tanto yo embarazadísima sin beber alcohol y Siro, mi hijo, cabreadísimo y perdido por NY...
En otro tono, también está la fiestaza de hoy por la cara, que está siendo una auténtica salvajada. La caña!!! La celebración de hoy es una especie de fiesta de la Primavera. O la fiesta de los Chicletes :P
5.- ¿Alguna vez se te coló alguien en casa que no hubieras invitado tú? (pq dejaste la puerta abierta, porque celebrabas una fiesta y se coló alguien, un allanamiento…)
Sí, me han allanado varias veces. La más clamorosa fue Xavier Vidal Cuenca que me robó toneladas de hierbas que no expiraban de mi piso de Barcelona. Total, para tirarlas por la cuneta. Pero bueno, estaba batallita está muy manida. Otra vez me allanaron para robarme un mono, una tía muy maja y ahora difunta. Cabrona. Al parecer la partió un rayo.
Y en fin, en mi casa siempre hay priba y gente. O invitada o acoplada, lo que sea!
miércoles, abril 09, 2008
Muy fuerte! Very strong :P
I should be writing this in English but since I don't know is this a personal thought put down in words or what, I just... meh. Write it in Spanish. Also, I am not sure do I want you to read and understand everything, because I look like I am whining around. I am not whining. I get what I deserve. I face it. But I need time to ease this pain. For once, at least, it is not self-inflicted.
Cómo cambian las cosas.
Vaya mierda. En fin, no tengo ni ganas de escribir.
miércoles, abril 02, 2008
To do list
Every now and then I think about stuff I want to do "some day" and then I forget about it again, til I find something new I want to do.
I have decided that I will keep this list around and update it every time I find something new I want to do. Mostly I will find skills to skill, boring. But well...
1- Skill teaching skills: needed for the teaching break.
2- Skill rhetorics, you never know when you'll need them.
3- Skill party planning. Not that I expect to use it one day... well, maybe yes, if I can plan b'day parties for the kids. That would be soooooo great!
¿Se puede tener más mala suerte?
25 de marzo: nos teníamos que ver en Moscú. Además era el día previsto para mi parto. Visto que aún aguanto, le envío un mensaje para que se quede en Vilna y nos vemos allí, así yo evito el riesgo de dar a luz en el bus.
Lee el mensaje 10 minutos demasiado tarde. ¡10 minutos! Y no nos vemos.
30 de marzo: estoy en Estocolmo relajándome después de un concierto. Recojo a toda prisa porque resulta que el bus sale ya. Supongo que debía de estar distraída porque tenía pensamientos un tanto turbios desde hacía dos días, desde que hablé con Pal.
Nada más subir al autobús, sin aún haberme acomodado en mi sofá habitual (el de terciopelo rojo), recibo un mensaje: espérame en Estocolmo, llego en un par de horas. ¡¿Otra vez?! Y yo de camino a Amsterdam... No pasa nada, nos vemos en Amsterdam... Calculo cuanto tardaré y le pregunto si quiere que le espere en el hotel. Yo te espero allí, como la otra vez. Llego antes que tú.
De acuerdo. La otra vez, el día de Navidad, el reencuentro fue precioso. ¿Te acuerdas? Me esperaba algo parecido. Además, llegaba otra vez a las 5 de la mañana. Estaríamos juntos desde las 5 hasta las 12. Avería en el bus. Tres horas de retraso. Llego a las 8, muerta, a Amsterdam.
La recepcionista del turno de noche ha dado paso al del turno de día y él no sabe que alguien me espera en su habitación. Me pone pegas. Cuando por fin consigo entrar... un mensaje: ensayo a las 10 de la mañana. Las siete horas juntos se vuelven dos. Al menos hemos podido hablar, pero no me queda un buen sabor de boca.
El martes, en Bruselas, intento pensar mejor qué hacer. En París, a medianoche, nos veremos. Me ha caído una semilla, así que me he puesto a componer. Puedo volver a hacer horóscopos mientras tanto, a ver si cae alguna más. Acierto a la primera, y eso que no sé mucho. Pero resulta que la suerte se torna en desgracia, ya que me recomienda que no tenga relaciones sexuales...
Después de un muy buen concierto (y competición ganada seguramente), nos ponemos en marcha. Sólo tres horitas de carretera. Llegamos los dos a medianoche. Me muero de ganas... estos dos últimos días he estado un poco extraña. Mientras estoy en el bus suena el teléfono: no me dejan salir del auditorio, el concierto no acaba. Parece una broma. Pero es cierto. Ha tenido que cancelar el billete de avión e incluso el bus, que iba por libre.
Me resigno, pienso que ya llegará. Me ha dicho que se puede quedar todo el miércoles. Siguente mensaje: mi horóscopo me ha dicho que debería dejar de darme revolcones por un tiempo... Vaya... ¿alguna maldición más? Por fin, al cabo de poco, me entero de que le han dejado ir, que el audotorio de Londres abrió sus puertas. Calculo que en jet tardará poco. Y yo también tardaré poco más.
Peeeeero... el vehículo de Lemon A Tour sufrió una avería, pero se pudo arreglar el desperfecto. Esto retrasará mi viaje 3 horas.
Empiezo a desesperarme. Esto es una odisea. Pero sin sirenas ni cíclopes... o al menos de momento. Tres horas más de viaje. Al menos él en el jet llegará al mismo tiempo.
No: por un motivo que desconozco, ha decidido ir en bus de Londres a París, atravesando el canal... y tardando seis horas más. De cenar juntos en un romántico restaurante de París e ir al hotel más exclusivo a contarnos cuánto nos hemos echado de menos hemos pasado a estar agotados y desaliñados en el bus de gira y tendremos suerte si podemos tomar un café juntos en la máquina de la estación... Mensaje: mañana a las 8 de la mañana grabamos.
lunes, marzo 31, 2008
Welcome Aina Aria!
El viernes nació mi segunda hija, Aina Aria. El nombre lo decidimos el lunes, somos un poco indecisos y hasta que no vemos al bebé no podemos elegir cómo se llamará. Manías de Keimo y mías. Como yo elegí el nombre de Melinda, esta vez le dejé tener a él la última palabra... el significado... bueno, para quien sepa un poco de suomi... me ha emocionado mucho. Aria es "pequeña Arja". Y Aina...
¡Bienvenida a Popomundo pequeñina! Siro ya ha dicho que la cuidará, aunque lo ha dicho con un poco de mala leche hacia mí. No entiendo como con solo 4 años puede tener esa vista para meter puñaladas, el enano. Es adorable... como cuando se largó solo a Nueva York diciéndonos que se iba a Los Ángeles, después de esconderse con Melinda en el campamento de la tribu... Ha demostrado ser muy maduro. De hecho, hoy nos ha hecho un favor muy grande al grupo. Y nos hará uno mayor todavía mañana. Como él dice, se ha ido en una misión secreta con su hermano Ukko... y pone cara de malo.
viernes, marzo 28, 2008
On a day like today: Valentine's Day
00:20 Xavier Angel Garcés de Marcilla called me to see how I was doing.
00:35 heart shaped box of chocolates was given to me by Byron Armstrong.
01:17 I gave Danny Powell my heart shaped box of chocolates.
07:00 Neil Malcolm called me to see how I was doing.
09:19 heart shaped box of chocolates was given to me by Val Huber.
10:13 I gave Keimo Ikäheimonen my heart shaped box of chocolates.
10:44 Began working on my new song Valentine's Song.
11:01 Dryden Stach called me for some perfect dirty talk.
12:16 Rehearsed my role in the scene The GSG couple.
13:31 I was kissed passionately by Keimo Ikäheimonen !
18:59 I was invited to a Wedding ceremony in Palau de Justícia.
A lot of presents here and here to try to make everybody smile. I think I am not going to put down all the chocolate box gifts from now on or this blog entry will be the neverending story!
Xavi was out of jail. Ninfa and Gaspar sent me their wedding invitation...
Video rehearsal, eeek!
07:36 Rehearsed my role in the scene Is it through?.
13:01 I asked Keimo Ikäheimonen out on a date.
19:03 Dude, what an after-party last night! Furniture flying everywhere, and the TV literally exploded. It cost 1 655 € to sort it out with the hotel but dude - it was worth it! ROCK'N'ROLL!
20:55 Arrived at the local airport in Helsinki after a tiresome flight.
23:05 I went to Oikeustalo for a Wedding ceremony.
23:19 pin was given to me by Sue Raichura.
23:59 I had a chat with Sjors Ravensberg and we talked about things I've done recently. It made me feel somewhat uneasy afterwards.
Matti had just joined Lemon A Tour, that was the very last video without him. Quite a lot of dates in those days, and Kristian and Chantal's wedding in Helsinki!
Sweet they are, already married for 2 years.
And Sjors being nasty...! :P Why not asking things directly? Just like Melinda does...
08:04 Went to air studios 590$ 5* to jam.
13:54 I was invited to a Wedding ceremony in Palacio de Justicia.
14:48 Ended show at Funky Club [SIN] #MR#. It was splendid!
22:48 Roberto Ortego called me for some truly abysmal dirty talk.
23:47 Xavier Angel Garcés de Marcilla called me to see how I was doing.
23:54 Arrived at Flinders Street Station after a joyful bus ride.
Jam... show... trip to Melbourne...
Poor ratings, heh: Ortego's dirty talk, for Kobe's sake...! And splendid show. Duh.
And Xavi was not in jail!
Wedding ceremony of Alicia and Juanjo, former Mayor of Madrid.
Not too many chocolates, not anything too special really.
08:43 I finished my song Everybody knows. It turned out perfect.
08:47 Began working on my new song Dead Life (A Preyer).
08:55 Dropped mp3 player in Tour Bus.
14:22 Arrr! I feel like a real pirate.
1 chocolate box. A lot of songwriting and seeking for inspiration.
01:08 I spent the day teaching the noble art of Music Improvisation
01:58 Xavier Angel Garcés de Marcilla called me to see how I was doing.
10:06 I took over as the primary parent responsible for young Ukko Ikäheimonen.
13:05 door key was given to me by Xavier Angel Garcés de Marcilla.
14:47 teddy-bear was given to me by Javier Sanz.
16:06 Gabriel Guijarro just called me posing as a police lieutenant. It wasn't funny at all.
21:34 I gave Brígida Freijedo my pin
23:21 I spent the day teaching the noble art of Basic Religion
Oh, those were the Famiglia times... I remember Keimo being worried about Ukko crawling through that environment.
I was surprised that I was actually teaching someone skills that I don't even master myself.
Oh, and Guijarro's phone call WAS funny, I tell you! :D
19:09 Began working on my new song You stole my hart.
Wow...! The most boring Valentine's Day? (No... more are on their way..!)
11:01 I spent the day teaching the noble art of Sex
07:23 A rabbit named "Kirsikka" sniffed at me.
03:03 Killer Kat went on stage at HTita Rocks Rio.
03:55 Ended show at HTita Rocks Rio. It was horrendous!
10:06 Improved my skills in Basic Lyrics.
No chocolates this time! Yeah, I was a nihilist by then...
04:06 I went out to the countryside and found some flowers and useful herbs.
04:01 Improved my skills in Basic Medicine.
13:38 Lorne Neilson sang to me. It sounded perfect.
16:01 Killer Kat went on stage at Brixton Punk-Stockholm.
16:45 Ended show at Brixton Punk-Stockholm. It was below average!
16:48 Lorne Neilson kissed me today.
19:31 Hitched a ride with Infernal to Helsinki.
Awww!! Lorne Neilson!! :')
Damn... I had forgotten about him. Sweetie he was. Well, maybe "sweetie" was not the right word, but I admired him sooooo much!
And look...! I had not even got a bicyle to tour!
01:32 I finished my song Just One (II). It turned out above average.
01:38 Rodrigo Arenas Arnal and I snuck away for a five minute terrible quickie.
02:12 Bought dobro guitar for 600 €.
03:01 Killer Kat went on stage at Hand of God[rock][Strong].
03:33 Ended show at Hand of God[rock][Strong]. It was poor!
03:40 Aww... Ain't that cute... Jesús Lopez Alfonso gave me flowers (pretty).
And Rodrigo...! I remember him, he was cute. Kobe knows where he'll be now... I remember that famous thief... Geraldine Baker. She stole an Advanced Pharmacology book from him and I saw it! So I got in touch with Sandra, who was the CoP of Stockholm at that time... Pity that there were no SA's at that time and it was dead difficult to arrest such criminals as Geraldine, she was already in Berlin when we noticed Rodrigo's book was stolen in Stockholm!
FF 10/35
1.Do you like writing blogs? If so, what do you enjoy writing about most?
I usually write about what's happening to me or my friends/family/band, about feelings, thoughts... Whatever. I also enjoy the Friday Five questions. I like writing blogs and putting down songs that are important in that certain moment.
2.Do you read other people’s blogs? If so, which topic do you find the most curious in other people’s blogs?
Yes, of course I do. I read my friend's writings and I help my children to write their own blogs. I like to read just anything they want to tell the world. It's a good way to keep track of what they are up to or how they feel.
3.If you had a chance to change your personal history, how would you re-write it?
I don't think I would change it. I might have done some things in a different way in my life, especially in my youth, and now my thirties would be different. But I am quite alright after all, with kids, band, friends... Everything could be better of course. But since it could be also worse, let's just be happy and make the best out of what we have. If Kobe gives you lemons, then make lemonade.
4.Would you ever want to find your mother? If she came back and wanted to live with you, would you accept her hanging out with you?
She decided to move to Florida and never called back. I don't think she'd like to come touring with Lemon A Tour and lead such a nomadic and stressing life. Anyway, I would enjoy having some tea and cookies with her. And she would LOVE her grandchildren.
5.Do you delete your photos occasionally? Are there any old photos that you have been keeping in your album?
No, I don't delete pics usually. I have several in my album. Pics of the kids, friends and some other random people that draw my attention because they wore a kinky outfit, or kids doing funny faces... I don't take too many pics anymore... I was not really good at it.
Las 5 de los Viernes 10/35
1. ¿Qué es lo primero que haces al levantarte?
Miro a ver cómo están los niños, si han dormido conmigo. Lo segundo que hago (o lo primero si los niños han dormido con su padre) es mirar hacia la ventana y ver si hace sol.
2. ¿Y lo último que haces antes de dormir?
Hacer un pequeño balance de como me ha ido el día, pensar en una persona especial... depende de lo haya ocurrido en las horas anteriores...
3. ¿Recuerdas con quién fuiste a tu primera cita?
¡Claro que sí!
20:55 Le pedí una cita a Niina Norrgrann.
20:56 ¡Yupi! Niina Norrgrann aceptó la cita que le propuse. ¡¿Qué voy a ponerme?!
22:00 ¡Qué vergüenza! Tuve que pedirle 2 € a Niina Norrgrann para poder pagar la cuenta en Forever Love Helsinki.
22:00 Niina Norrgrann y yo terminamos nuestra fatal cita en Forever Love Helsinki.
Y al cabo de un rato..
23:11 Kari Kauhanen me pidió una cita romántica en Forever Love Helsinki el 01/06/2006 19:00.
Niina fue una de mis primeras amigas en Helsinki. Enseguida se montó en el dólar (o eso nos parecía en esa época) con su grupo de Heavy Metal Nifelheim, aunque al parecer al cabo de un tiempo se peleó con otra chica de la banda (Selma... ufff... no recuerdo el nombre) y creó INDIGNATOR. La verdad es que ambos grupos están muy inactivos últimamente, es una lástima. Podrían haber tenido un futuro prometedor.
Kari Kauhanen era miembro de The Shrub Patrol, un grupo que mencioné el otro día... amigos de cuando tocábamos por monedas en Kaivopuisto. Kari era muy amigo de Olav y tuvimos un breve romance. En fin... hace TANTO tiempo de esto.
4. ¿Cuándo has llorado por última vez, y porqué motivo?
Hace unas horas solamente... Es un poco complicado de explicar, y es bastante personal. Preferiría guardármelo para mí.
5. ¿Y la última vez que reíste a carcajadas?
¿Sabes que no me acuerdo? Supongo que fue a mediados de mes, en Esmirna... Había buenos motivos para sonreír... Aunque en relidad no sé si hubo carcajadas. Si no las hubo, hay que remontarse bastante más atrás.
Aunque seguro que después de la competición que ganamos en Londres el dia 17 de marzo me reí mientras festejábamos, a pesar de no beber ni una gotita de alcohol por el embarazo.
lunes, marzo 24, 2008
On a day like today: day 6
Also, I'll probably do this from time to time... Although I complain a lot, I like keeping memories in mind. Bad ones too.
1 year ago
00:23 I was invited to a Wedding ceremony in Sagrada Familia.
18:27 I finished my song New mooning sight. It turned out earth shaking.
Miranda and Julián's wedding ceremony. I couldn't attend, but I wish all the best to them, they know it.
Yeah, earth shaking song, still to be played nowadays, btw.
12:28 Doctor Robert Duverger took a sample of my blood. Needles are scary.
17:00 Keimo Ikäheimonen and I ended our pleasant date at Can Hilario.
18:19 Picked up dobro guitar at Apartment.
20:05 Keimo Ikäheimonen and I had a great time snuggling.
I had caught a cold.
Killer Kat's dobro Lemon A guitar :')
Keimo was my very only one...
03:09 Xavier Angel Garcés de Marcilla and I had a great time snuggling.
03:34 I gave Hilario Reyes my door key.
03:34 I named my door key Beer Team BCN.
03:38 I gave Jeremy Engle my door key.
10:53 Jippie! Hilario Reyes agreed to go on a date with me. But what am I going to wear?!?
21:46 I was invited to a Wedding ceremony in Palacio de Justicia.
Two days before:
10:01 OMG! Xavier Angel Garcés de Marcilla finally popped the question. Should I wear the ring or not..? I have to decide within a week.
Meeting old friends... Enjoying the company of La Famiglia.
Building up a new bridge to be burnt.
And Javier and Ria's wedding. Did not attend because of career and probably for other reasons that are fortunately buried now in the sands of oblivion. Still happily married and playing in the same band now. Ain't that sweet? :P
05:09 Lemon A Tour went on stage at Silly Frog Mexico [MR].
05:43 Ended show at Silly Frog Mexico [MR]. It was splendid!
15:03 Left town on a jet plane.
15:08 Keimo Ikäheimonen and I had a pleasant time snuggling.
23:16 Aww... Ain't that cute... Javier Sanz gave me flowers (pretty).
Splendid show, heh!
Mile High Club had open doors for us already.
More meetings with old friends... ain't that cute?
02:39 Peter McGinnes called me for some horrendous dirty talk.
12:03 I accepted Javier Sanz as my apprentice.
20:02 Lemon A Tour went on stage at The Mantle [MR].
20:43 Ended show at The Mantle [MR]. It was good!
Pete was not yet married and... well, I hope he doesn't mind I remember him this way in my blog. Everybody reckons he improved a lot since those days...
Good show by LAT!
And making forst attempts to become a teacher...
05:45 News reached me that Rafael Nunez is now officially a candidate for Mayor.
07:51 Eugenio Fernández Sarasola called me to see how I was doing.
07:51 Eugenio Fernández Sarasola called me for some perfect dirty talk.
16:50 Sometimes I need some time on my own. I left the tribe The African Tribe to its destiny.
16:50 I joined The Dark Side of the Moon.
18:27 I am feeling kinda moody today.
18:34 Keimo Ikäheimonen and I had a sweet time snuggling.
19:25 I was affected by a potion of aphrodisiac
19:26 I gave Keimo Ikäheimonen my potion of aphrodisiac.
19:56 Keimo Ikäheimonen and I had a decent time snuggling.
21:32 Keimo Ikäheimonen and I had a pleasant time snuggling.
21:48 potion of aphrodisiac was given to me by Keimo Ikäheimonen .
22:06 I was affected by a potion of aphrodisiac
22:07 I gave Keimo Ikäheimonen my potion of aphrodisiac.
22:14 Keimo Ikäheimonen and I had a decent time snuggling.
6 weeks later:
05:46 Oooooh!!! Labour pains! It is time! OFF TO THE HOSPITAL!!! Can someone please call an ambulance?!
15:48 The nurses are treating me well at Royal Infirmary.
16:22 I was kissed passionately by Keimo Ikäheimonen !
17:50 The joy, the joy... Today I got a son!
17:50 Became a parent for the first time in my life.
00:57 Keimo Ikäheimonen has taken the paternity test and it was positive!
Politics... some changes in social life. Huge phone bills...
I still hadn't joined La Famiglia. I had just given up the struggle to maintain an African Music Club in Madrid. I guess that's when Lonely Soul was changed to Modern Rock temple :)
And... what can I say about the rest... Dr. Fossas' aphrodisiacs and our eagerness brought to life our firstborn Ukko. He was conceived exactly 6 years ago, nice coincidence.
12:16 I spent the day teaching the noble art of Ritual Summoning
17:22 Sometimes I need some time on my own. I left the tribe 123bu! to its destiny.
23:41 I'm an expert at Basic Lyrics and don't need to study that anymore.
Mastering useful skills, trying to learn not-so-useful ones... And still seeking a tribe to join, apparently. I still remember why I left that one, but it is not even worth mentioning it here.
I also remember the nice people I met there, of course. One of them, especially.
(...) My friend Risto Pippuri just died. I'm so sad. Sometimes life just isn't what it should be.
12:58 Keimo Ikäheimonen tickled my toes! I asked Keimo Ikäheimonen to stop but everyone knows I love when people do that.
12:58 Keimo Ikäheimonen and I snuck away for a five minute good quickie.
13:04 I left town with Killer Kat.
14:20 Olav Närvänen kissed me today.
Touring in South America as Killer Kat, together with The Shrub Patrol (RIP).
Also... R.I.P Olav and Risto. You are remembered.
11:49 Aww... Ain't that cute... Olav Närvänen gave me flowers (pretty).
21:01 Killer Kat went on stage at Rock Club Tau - Geurts.
21:25 Ended show at Rock Club Tau - Geurts. It was poor!
13:58 Dryden Stach kissed me today.
Rocking with Killer Kat and touring with The Shrub Patrol... that must have been a very long tour, indeed. And getting to know one of my oldest friends, Dryden.
07:26 Improved my skills in Basic Religion.
16:11 Why doesn't anyone love me? My love life is boring me to tears.
The beginning of a spiritual life full of failures. Setting up own band, Killer Kat. Meanwhile I busked on my own in Kaivopuisto and had no time for lovers. Yeah... maybe it was due to studying too much Religion?
viernes, marzo 21, 2008
FF 3/35
1. Even though all plain M & M's are the same, do you like to eat a certain colored one more?
The red ones perhaps. Or the blue. Or green.
2. Is there any amount of money you'd prostitute yourself for?
No. I do for free the things I believe in. And I don't do what I do not stand for, not for any money or whatever offer.
3. If you could choose, would you rather live in the past or the future?
I can't really answer this question.
4. Would you pick 100 million dollars, OR the girl/guy of your dreams?
The guy of my dreams. (Not a single second of hesitation).
5. Do you have a dirty little secret that people would be shocked and disgusted at you if they ever found out?
You never know until you know.
jueves, marzo 20, 2008
I don't know exactly what I want to say nor where to start, but I need to write. It's very likely that I get some inspiration for the coming songs out of this. Indeed, even if I would try to avoid that, I doubt I will be able to get rid of this in a long while.
It has been for almost a year now that I have been living in a way that I would have never expected of myself. I hit bottom. And I lost several very important things on my way down to here.
I am not sure what made me realize all this last night. But there was something. It is far too late to fix anything, to go back in time and select which events to delete, but at least I am able to draw the line and quit this self-destructive spree before I lose my will to be.
Another chapter in the book of life. The image above is loneliness, fire, purification, the dusk before a new dawn. This is what I need now. I need to gain back my self-respect and get rid of the burdens in my mind, my heart and my soul.
miércoles, marzo 19, 2008
Grumpiest woman on earth!
1. Left London in the worst moment ever.
2. Resign myself. Decide to stay in Glasgow & not travel with bus, as I have some things to do in the city. Also, band stuff can be perfectly done here.
3. All of a sudden find myself on a jet plane. How on earth?! I hadn't even booked a flight! And I have had enough of planes for now, gosh!
4. Land in Tromsø. Seek my kids and realize they are not there. They stayed in Glasgow. We are the worst parents ever.
5. Not only they were left there alone, but the 2 youngest got their keys stolen. Call the Police, despite I don't even know exactly where the theft happened. I decide to go back to Glasgow to pick the kids up and do my business.
6. Keimo kindly informs me of the recording session at 8 in Tromsø. It's almost midnight and I'm on a plane to Glasgow. "I hope you can make it". Sure. Sleep? Why sleep?!
7. Arrive in Glasgow and find angry children cursing like they have been living in the worst slums of this planet.
For Kobe's sake, I need holidays!!
1. Me tocó irme de Londres en el peor momento imaginable. El bus salió hacia Glasgow a la hora que alguien había decidido.
2. Resignación. Al llegar y ultimar algunos detalles decidí que no iría en bus a Tromsø, tenía cosas que hacer el Glasgow. El grupo entero no tenía por qué irse, también se pueden grabar canciones en esta ciudad, que hay estudios de sobras.
3. De golpe veo que después del concierto un jet privado se me lleva de camino al puto Polo Norte (bueno, a Tromsø). Pero si no tenía billete! Me había borrado del bus de gira y ahora resulta que me jodo con el jet. Además, como si no hubiera tenido suficiente de jets últimamente ya...
4. Al llegar a Tromsø busco a los niños. No están. No pudieron subir al jet, maldita sea! Se han quedado solos en Glasgow. Somos los peores padres del mundo. Total, por probar qué tal las groupies aéreas (aunque yo eso ya lo había probado, hehe)
5. Los niños no sólo estaban solos sino que encima a Siro y a Melinda un caco les había robado las llaves de casa. Contacté con Comisaría inmediatamente y conté lo que había pasado. A lo mejor podían encontrar alguna prueba para saber quién había sido. Las llaves no las recuperaremos, claro, porque no estaban marcadas. Pero qué más da, sólo hay priba en mi casa.
6. Vuelvo a Glasgow en jet (otra vez, argh) para ir a buscar a los niños y quedarme de paso a hacer lo que tenía que hacer, pensando que las obligaciones del grupo se podían demorar hasta la tarde del puto Polo Norte, o al día siguiente incluso. Le escribí a Keimo al respecto.
7. Keimo me informa amablemente de que ha reservado sesión de grabación a las 8 de la mañana en el Polo Norte. ES AÑOS NUEVO! ES FIESTA, JODER!!! Y me dice "espero que te dé tiempo a estar aquí". Sí. Claro que sí. Qué jodido remedio. Dormir? Para qué? Qué es eso?? Es más, prefiero no pensar que reservó a esa hora tras leer mi mensaje.
8. Llego a Glasgow tras un viaje agotador (con groupie incluída) y me encuentro a los niños hechos una furia, cabreadísimos, y diciendo tacos como carreteros, como si hubieran nacido en los barrios más bajos de una ciudad de mala muerte.
Suerte que en el avión de vuelta me he ido enterando de lo que pasa con Masson y Maynard, toda una historia que seguro no se olvidará fácilmente. Otro día hablaré de ello :)
domingo, marzo 16, 2008
Finally, we suceeded: perfect show!
We had the chance -several times- to play it. But we finally achieved it in the Gay Pride Festival un NY. It was an unbelievable feeling to beat someone as great as Jessie Malone. I have a huge respect for her, so you can imagine the feeling right now.
I honestly don't think we have too many chances to win the Live Aid anyway, as there are bands such as Jazzist, Dangerous Faith, Wizards Taste Funny or Potatoes... they could probably beat us, perhaps even easily. But for now I am so happy with this milestone...!
It has also some personal meaning. I have been naughty lately. I took advantage of our last stealthy days and missed a part of our rehearsal before the show, something I would never do. It was actually a huge mistake. Everybody knows I am not good calculating times and managing time zones, so I had to hurry like hell to get to the jam session. Stupid me. I hope my band fellas forgive me...
Anyway, somehow I had the feeling it would turn out well, somebody told me everything would be fine. And it has been, so far. So there we go, perfect Lemon A Tour!
viernes, marzo 14, 2008
FF 51/34
1. Have you imagined what will happen at your funeral service?
I hope people drink a lot of champagne and eat lemon chiffon and have fun remembering some random funny or embarrassing situations that have happened all along my life. Well, I assume there will be the closest friends at my funeral, so most of them will have messy memories about my messy way of life.
2. Do you play an instrument? If so, how did you choose it?
I started playing harmonica and dobro guitar when I was a solo rocker. Then I joined Keimo in Lemon A Tour and learnt to play the flute. Woodwind instruments are easy. And I like the sound of the flute, with that oldfashioned touch. Recently I had to learn to play the guitar because our skilled lead guitarplayer was bound to leave the band.
3. Does your personality change depending on the people you're with? Is there anyone you can be with without changing?
Maybe yes. Probably yes, in fact. Sure. I am not the same when I'm with my kids at home than when I am dating someone, for instance. Or when I am arguing about Warsaw politics in the Forums. Or when I hung out with the Famiglia in the THQ... all very different situations.
Maybe there is someone who I can be with, without changing.
4. Would you be as comfortable walking around in your underwear at the beach as in your swimwear?
Yes. Very uncomfortable in both cases. Nudism FTW!
5. Do you think it is right to cheat on somebody if you know they are cheating on you?
It is never right to cheat.
jueves, marzo 13, 2008
Death or Glory?
The Montreal show was Death finally, not Glory.
This post is for Keimo, Matti and Val, to explain what happened 5 minutes before the show and during the first part of it.
Everything ready to go on stage. Suddenly I notice that 2 songs are not properly jammed. They have just dropped, 2h after the jam session. One of them is "The GSG couple", which is an encore.
I decided to remove that song from enores and add the boost. The competition in Montreal is a World Championship, it's worth winning it. Put GSG among the regular songs and also that "yelling message", somewhere.
I wait for Last dance with D. to see what's the effect of a song not being 100% jammed. Shit, the song gets 3*. I was still considering to put GSG back as an encore, then saw that. Didn't look to wise to me.
Also, important: popularity of the songs. The gap between GSG and Instruction is too small, people would have been expecting for more after the first encore, we know that. I check other songs' popularity. All too low, imo.
Then the worst part, even though I am happy I noticed it. Next show is the Gay Pride Festival in NY!!! We need the boost there! At least 4 bands which will be hard to beat. Shit!
So the situation is pretty fucked up. No popular enough song to play as 1st encore, no boost available. Other green song has given 3*. Too similar popularity. How on earth shall I try to play those 2 songs as encores?
Sorry guys, I failed. You might have done something completely different with that setlist. I am a poor co-leader, I wasn't sure what else I could do. Luckily I saved the boost.
And we are #6 again...
P.S. Just checked again. There is only one band in that competition which is currently playing great shows. Maybe that desperate strategy of mine was not that bad after all if we at least managed to play a wonderful show... we can still win.
lunes, marzo 10, 2008
Cakes for Ukko!
Unexpectedly we had a day off today. Maybe daddy had planned it that way when he set up the schedule of this tour? It was Ukko's 5th birthday.
I had a great idea: seek some hotel (aparthotel?) where we could use the kitchen. I went with the kids down to the store and bought everything necessary to bake a cake for Ukko, and also some cookies and muffins for Halloween (tomorrow). I really had a hard time trying to remember those recipes of my mom, but I managed to somehow come up with something... Managed to not look like an irresponsible and boring mom! Yay!
So, obviously we baked a lemon cake. Siro, Melinda (on the pic) and me were in the kitchen, meanwhile daddy played somewhere around with Ukko, amusing him and trying to keep him away from the kitchen. Quite hard task, since the delicious smell filled the room, beyond the kitchen doors.
After a few hours (baking time included) we lighted 5 yellow candles on the cake and went out of the kitchen, finally! I think Ukko was very very happy, he didn't expect that. Or maybe yes? You never know when he's just fooling you. He's getting older, after all, he's not a baby anymore.
Anyway, it was a great day! Almost as fun and close as a family :)
sábado, marzo 08, 2008
Oh! Memories...
Damn... I was wandering through the forums and I found in the tribe forum the story of my one and only Day of the Dead so far. I thought it's better I post it here because the thread will soon disappear there and I keep some warm memories from those days, don't want to lose them. (Some not-so-good memories too, true).
Here it is:
Oct. 30th 2007.
12:03 Left town on a jet plane.
11:59 Dropped shotgun at Apartment.
11:59 Duncan Day called me to see how I was doing.
11:59 Dropped shotgun at Apartment.
11:58 BLAM! One less zombie to worry about.
11:58 Ouch! A zombie scratched me with its dirty nails.
11:55 BLAM! One less zombie to worry about.
11:52 BLAM! One less zombie to worry about.
11:50 BLAM! One less zombie to worry about.
After my sexy-naked-doctor-friend gave me the medicine against the zombie virus I decided to give up hunting zombies. I stayed at the naked friend's home until I heard that Melvin and Jonas randomly appeared as zombie masters in locales across the city.
I had given away my ammo and my shotguns (and even dumped one) but I couldn't resist the temptation and went to the shop again to try to kill the 2 zombie masters. It's said that Jonas would give you a special item if you kill him.
I managed to shot them 3 times, but didn't kill them. Fortunately I wasn't scratched/bitten by them either, so I considered it was enough for today. Crossed the street to go to Sjors's apartment and drop the shotguns, so that he could use them this evening... when I noticed my friend Duncan was surrounded by zombies.
I ran there to help him, knowing I was in a terrible hurry because I had to pick my plane to NY soon. But well... a friend is always a friend... There were 2 zombies left in the room. -One for you and one for me!- he shouted. But before I could even realize where mine was, it had already scratched me.
I shot it somehow, and ran away with my bleeding arm. Run upstairs to S's home, dropped the weapons and ran to the airport. I knew there was a Doctor in NY who was able to cure me, Duncan told me her name. As I was finally sitting comfortably in the plane's seat... somebody told me that the girl was travelling to London at that time.
Gosh! The unluckiest 10 minutes of the week.
viernes, marzo 07, 2008
Una de humor
Estaba hablando con Xavi después de nuestro último encuentro y me he acordado de una anécdota bastante graciosa. Evidentemente no voy a decir el nombre del protagonista, pero la verdad es que es lo de menos. Es el hecho en sí lo que es hilarante.
Desde la última vez que escribí, Lemon A Tour ha subido hasta el puesto 2 de la lista de Rock Moderno. Desafortunadamente hemos vuelto a bajar al 7 porque tuvimos de despedir a Aurelia, que últimamente sólo andaba de cementerio en cementerio. Claro, eso afectó a nuestra fama porque un sector de los fans adoraba sus solos.
Total, que estamos en el Top 10, gozamos del favor de bastantes CEOs y propietarios a la hora de pedir riders... de momento todo está saliendo a pedir de boca.
Hace unas semanas, cuando estábamos más arriba en las listas, Keimo recibió un mensaje:
Hola tío, estoy buscando grupo. Me encanta vuestro trabajo y me gustaría unirme.
Si quieres saber algo más de mí, pregunta.
Soy buena gente, jaja.
Claro, Keimo y yo nos quedamos un poco extrañados. Un desconocido total se quiere unir a nuestro grupo y ni siquiera se molesta en vendernos un poco la moto? Ni un mini-curriculum ni nada? Yo no hubiera contestado, la verdad. Y además, estoy segura de que ese PM era spam porque sonaba a que el chaval se lo puede haber enviado a cualquier grupo.
Pero Keimo, tal como es él, decidió contestar y ver por dónde iban los tiros. Si no era un buen músico, como mínimo se divertiría un rato (sí, el PM le pareció de lo más cómico). La respuesta fue:
¿Por qué te gusta nuestro trabajo?
¿En qué otros grupos has estado previamente?
¿Por qué lo(s) dejaste?
¿Eres buena persona? Tienes historial delictivo.
Lo último era medio pique, ya se sabe, pero es que resultaba demasiado tentador. La carta de presentación era de lo más curiosa. En fin, no sé cuanto tiempo pasó, pero recibimos respuesta al mensaje, una respuesta tan parca como:
Esos delitos los cometí al principio de todo.
Y poco más (esto no es textual). Puede que fuera solamente el aburrimiento, pero la cosa empezaba a tomar tintes surrealistas. Si era extraño no enviar curriculum a una banda puntera al solicitar por la cara unirse, a pesar de que el grupo no esté buscando miembros oficialmente, contestar algo así cuando te dan la oportunidad de tirarte flores ya es que es la monda.
Nos sentimos como si nos estuvieran tomando el pelo, la verdad. Alguien con mucho tiempo libre para enviar mensajes sin sentido. Ah, y todo ello adornado con smileys, por supuesto. La respuesta de Keimo fue algo tal que así:
¿O sea que sólo me contestas a la última pregunta? ¿No te has leído el resto, o pasas de contestar?
Que me pareció borde, pero adecuado por otro lado. Yo me esperaba algo tipo “no he tenido tiempo, sorry” o lo que sea por el estilo. Pero no, la respuesta ya fue digna de redoble de tambores y cartel luminoso de APPLAUSE:
No sé, tú sabrás.
FF 45/34
1. If you were to die, would you come back and haunt people? Who would you haunt and how would you make sure they knew it was you?
I would come back to tickle people. Or I'd try to appear in people's dreams to give some advice, if I think they need it. In this case, people would know it's me.
2. Have you ever guided a bug to safety?
Sure. Bugs belong to their own ecosystem.
3. Which is worse, to overestimate your talents or to underestimate them? Which do you think you're more guilty of?
I think it's worth to overestimate. Afterwards there is failure and disappointment. I try to be and abjective, but if I have to chose, I prefer underestimating myself.
4. When going into a movie theater, do you sit on the left side or the right side of the aisle?
Try to be centered. I choose the side which is closer to the door I used to enter the cinema. To avid walking and/or disturbing others.
5. Have you ever lived in a country other than the one you were born in? If so, why did you
I was born in Helsinki. I have flats in Berlin, Barcelona and LA. But I have never lived for more that some months in the same city. When I joined Lemon A Tour we kind of agreed that we were going to work hard to get to #1. So, touring is one of the duties if you have that target. Anyway, I never stayed too long in any city when I was Killer Kat.