martes, abril 22, 2008

Arja's guide to...


After the massive use of Absynthe you are bound to feel like a huge piece of shit on the morning after. Or even on the week after...!

To reduce the pain of a life of hangover I have come up with some tips to cure a depression:

- Feed your pets. In addition you save yourself from the risk of getting bitten or eaten by a hungry pet... that wouldn't be good for your health, y'know.

- Read horoscopes and get those tall dark strangers to admire your stuff. Do what the horoscope asks you to... get this, go there... Hot dark strangers can make your day, I tell you.

- Go shopping. Spend your money at fancy shops. It could also be that while you are in the fitting room a song starts to play and you find a good dedication for a special person.

- Fly with jet planes. Groupies can enter at their own risk, and if they do, you'll have a very good time: good for the mood and the self esteem ;)


1 comentario:

Roberto Ortego dijo...

You forgot the most important one: have sex.